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Kungpao is a Czech band with more than two decades of existence, whose repertoire consists mainly of cover versions of Chinese rock hits from 1980s on, for many of which besides "traditional rock instruments", some of the Chinese traditional instruments are also used. The band sings only in Chinese (and also its dialects, including the Czech sub-dialect). One of the innovations of the last couple of years, exceeding the original production plan, are remakes of Czechoslovak underground songs, as well as adding music to Chinese lyrics of various authors.
The active members are: He Zhida, Liang Wenqin, Lu Kaishi and Luo Yan, for more details about the members and their photos click here (in Czech).
Here you can check some of our music:
Socialism Is Better, I Want Money, A Girl From Ali Mountains, A Girl From Opposite Side
For more songs you may also refer to our MP3s and lyrics page in English.
This website has been banned in China, due to unknown reasons it has been impossible to access it from P. R. China roughly since the time of the Olympics.

Foto (C) Simon Chang www.simon.chinito.com


We resumed our activity with a new drummer, Jakub Rocek (Luo Yan)!

You can communicate with us through our Facebook page where you can also find many new photos and videos from our concerts.

On October 29th, 2024 from 8 pm., we play again at Na Slamníku Restaurant Music Club. As the university winter term begins, it is our tradition to have a concert. We are looking for you, fans!

On March 21st, 2024 from 8 pm., we played at Klubovna music club, address: Generála Píky, Prague 6. As it became usual in a couple of past years, our wind instruments' section will come again to support.

On October 9th, 2023 from 8 pm., after a year, we played again at Na Slamníku Restaurant Music Club. We were strongly supported by our wind instruments' section with two outstanding members, Martin and Stepan.

On October 10th, 2022 from 8 pm., after a year, we played again at Na Slamníku Restaurant Music Club.

On May 12th, 2022 from 9 pm. we played at the DOX Gallery in Prague as a part of a launch event of the exhibition of works of the world-known Chinese exile artist Badiucao. You can check the exhibits and also one photo of the band in this Aktualne.cz news portal photo-tour. Other photos and videos are available on our Facebook page.

On October 5th, 2021 from 8 pm. after the endless forced two-years corona break we played again at Na slamníku Restaurant Music Club. You can find some photos and videos on our Facebook page.

On November 20th, 2019 FROM 8 P. M. OUR BIG AND EXCEPTIONAL CONCERT TO CELEBRATE THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF KUNGPAO CHINA ROCK REVIVAL BAND TOOK PLACE IN FUTURUM MUSIC BAR. Address: Zborovská 7, Prague 5 - Smíchov. Some of the songs will be extended with the new instrumental parts by our guest musicians, you can also look forward to some other surprise. The club will open at 7:30 p. m., admittance is 200 CZK in pre-sale and 220 CZK on the spot. The venue is large, we need a lot of fans to come! New information will gradually appear here.

On October 15th, 2019 from 8:30 p. m. we played again at Na slamníku Restaurant's music club together with Farostroj band. The concert took place on the occassion of the school-term's beginning and it was a "rehearsal" for our great anniversary concert.

On June 4th, 2019 from 8:30 p. m., we played at Na Slamniku Restaurant's music club, Wolkerova 12, Prague 6. The concert is held on the occassion of the Tian'an men Massacre 30th anniversary's commemoration.

On April 13, 2019 from 9:30 p. m., we played at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of astronomical popular magazine Astropis in the Prague Planetarium (private venue).

On November 11th, 2018 at 8:30 pm. we played in Prague at Kampus Hybernska music club, Hybernska 4, Prague 1. Our performance was a part of the Month of Satire at Kampus Hybernská. Prior to the event, at 7 p. m. at the same venue, there was a debate on satire in contemporary Chinese literature with its famous translators Zuzana Li, Petra Martincová and Veronika Teryngerová on how the satire was made in the country where Teddybear Pooh has been banned due to his resemblance to the Secretary General of the CCP. You can check our Facebook for photos and videos from this and other events.

Older News

For more artistic images of the band by Simon Chang click here.

If you wish to be informed in advance about our performances by SMS or e-mail, please submit your contact information to the e-mail address laifr()email.cz.

Here you can find some newer and also older photogalleries.

Zdenek is back from China at the moment. Vaclav works back in Prague, so the band can perform and rehearse with more time flexibility. In 2007, Jan Chmelarcik, who is one of our original establishing members, returned back to us, enabling the band to restore its activities in a full extent. He brought in some new Chinese instruments as the guzheng zither and mouth organ sheng. However, he left our band again in 2015.

Muchomurky bile (White Fly Agarics, our Chinese remake of the Czech famous underground song) on May 20, 2008 at Na Slamniku

Other videos from our concerts in Czech Republic and China and also other interesting musical stuff you can see here in Jan Chmelarcik's YouTube profile.

On May 19th, 2011, our exceptional long awaited and several times postponed concert to our 10th anniversary (in fact almost 12th) took place at Futurum club in Prague 5.
We launched our new CD-maxi-single (EP) 三 / | | | with 3 new songs having our considerable authorial participation (see cover at the left)! The original booklet was designed by www.fmparty.cz and contains full Chinese and Czech lyrics of the songs. Our supporting guests were our friends from Tajne slunce / The Hidden Sun Band. There was also other accompanying programme performed by other interesting guests OBLBoys.
You can order our CD via e-mail at laifr(at)email.cz, the price is 7 EUR including postage.

In mid May 2010 our six-day tour of England took place. On May 18th, 2010 we played at Raynor Lounge, University of Sheffield Students’ Union Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TG, and on May 22th, 2010, we played at Islington Chinese Association 21 Hatchard Rd, ARCHWAY, London, N194NG. You can check the Czech version of the photogallery.

Between November 10th and 20th, 2007, we took our second mini-tour of China. Further info and photogallery is here.
On May 10th, 2006, Lidové noviny, one of the leading Czech newspapers, while covering almost one page with the performance of the Rolling Stones in Shanghai 2 days ago, also published a brief article titled The Chinese stroked out Socialism covering our first tour to China in January 2006.

Between January 6th and 24th, 2006, we featured in a Foreigners' TV Art Competition in China that was organized in Beijing and we also had several concerts in Beijing and Shanghai, here you can find more comments and photos to this event.

Here is our contest performance, as it was later broadcasted on Chinese TV (in Mandarin).

The Czech section of China Radio International  brought in mid March 2006 an interview with us, titled Czech Kungpao Band in China (in Czech). 

On October 5th, 2005, we featured in Czech TV Channel 2 programme Kosmopolis. There was a short interview with our members and several shots from our concert and rehearsal.

Last update on October 1st, 2024

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